The Fleshlight is a sleeve-style transmitter the male partner slips on. Or you can fuck the living hell out of it with long, lustful strokes till you blast your hot load inside with ultimate sexual satisfaction. On certain nights during the week, ladies looking for some hard bodies overrun the bar. STU Fleshlight – Stamina Training Unit the difference between the Super Tight and the Original Fleshlight is the decreased canal diameter. Women get less inventive suggestions, like using beach balls to bounce on. With the invention of motion pictures, vibrators started turning up in pornography and gained an STU Fleshlight – Stamina Training Unit unsavory reputation. Lia19 Fleshlight which was created from Lias actual vagina. Thats how the insert stu fleshlight – stamina training unit got its name, because its a wave of pleasure that comes and goes. I decided to take my virgin adventurers to a peep show to warm them up before the main event. All of the masturbation sleeves are made from a patented material called Real Feel Superskin – it s precise mixture of latex silicone with a little bit natural gum – rest of substances are kept in top secret. I almost came stu fleshlight – stamina training unit upon entry. The Fleshlight, aka sex in a can stu fleshlight – stamina training unit $59 95, looks just like a flashlight, only you stick your business inside to turn it on.